ACC Hospitality

To help form and foster healthy relationships and a sense of belonging among those within our Five Star Catholic Community, the goals proposed are:


Goal 1: The Five Star Catholic Community will provide and initial one-day event, a progressive dinner in the Summer of 2021, hosted across the parishes.

Goal 1 Action Plan:

Step 1: Inform the parish pastoral councils to seek their opinion on the event.

Step 2: With a consensus from among the pastoral councils, organize an event committee consisiting of 2 members from each of the five parishes. Recommendations for the event organizers shall be taken up during the Pastoral Council meetings and should be decided before the next council meeting.

Step 3: The ACC Pastoral Council commuicates the general timeline and goals of this event to the members of this newly formed event committee.

Step 4: After consideration, the event committee presents a program for the evet to the ACC Pastoral Council for review. This plan shall have considered an option for public transportation for those who may want to attend but either do not want, or are willing to, travel on their own. This program should be submitted for review at least 2 months prior to the hosting of the event.

Step 5: Promote the event through all appropriate channels.






ACC-Worship (Mass Schedules)