ACC Communication

To foster communication and community among those within our Five Star Catholic Community, the goals proposed are:


Goal 1: To establish a common bulletin for the Five Star Catholic Community.

Goal 1 Action Plan:

Step 1: The Pastor is to establis a contract with Liturgical Publishing Incorporated (LPi), before March 2020, for publishing and printing the weekly parish bulletin. This bulletin shall be available online as well as printed for each parish. Bulletin inserts, when needed, shall be printed by the proper parish.

Step 2: The Pastor, as Editor in Chief, is to designate a co-Editor(s) who will assist him with proofing the weekly bulletin before they are submitted to LPi. The bulletin will be made up of items submitted to the Editor or co-Editor by the parish secretaries.

Step 3: A working draft of the first Five-Star Catholic Community bulletin will be completed and available by May 14, 2020 for review by the ACC Pastoral Committee.

Step 4: Introduce the Five Star ACC bulletin on the weekend of Sunday, July 5, 2020.


Goal 2: To establish a common portal website for the parishes and schools.

Goal 2 Action Plan:

Step 1: Contact LPi to establsih a host site for the ACC.

Step 2: Design website pages for each of the parishes and schools.

Step 3: Design a portal page to connect all the above pages.

Step 4: On July 9, 2020, present to the Five Star Catholic Community Planning Committee the proposal of a new website to be hosted by LPi.


Goal 3: To introduce and implement the Evangelus: My Parish App among the parishes.

Goal 3 Action Plan:

Step 1: During the week of July 20th train staff on the Evangelus App: what it is, its intended uses.

Step 2: During the above-mentioned presentation, create a survey to the parishioners of the ACC inquiring what kinds of information they would hope to receive from the Evangelus App. This survey will be composed by a subcommittee of the ACC Pastoral Council composed of 2 ACC Pastoral Council members and 3 staff members from among the parishes. This survey is provided witht he intention to better inform policies concerning the permitted and recommended uses of Evangelus for ministry needs.

Step 3: The ACC Pastoral Council, with the help of parish staff and those volunteering in what would otherwise constitute the position of a paid staff member (e.g.- choir directors, religious ed coordinators, etc.), will compose or receive all pertinent policies regarding the permitted, responsible and effective use of the parish app. These policies are to be clearly composed and established by the end of August 15, 2020.

Step 4: Beginining September 2020, pilot-run the app with families of the Catholic schools within the ACC.

Step 5: Beginning September 2020, expand the use fo the app to the families with sutdents in the Faith Formation programs.

Step 6: No later than January 1, 2021, actively promote use of app to all parishioners.


Goal 4: Establish a common calendar to be used among the parish staff to coordinate events across the ACC.

Goal 4 Action Plan:

Step 1: With the asisstance of a technology coordinator (IT assistance), a Gmail account shall be established by May 2020.

Step 2: The pastor and technology coordinator provide insturction, by April 2020, as to how events are scheduled and in what manner these events are to be coded and edited using this calendar.

Step 3: The account username and password shall be made available to parish secretaries and pastors following the training in Step 2.





ACC-Worship (Mass Schedules)