Sunday Mass
Christ the King Browerville | Sunday 8:30 am |
St. Joseph Clarissa | Sunday 10:15 am |
St. Joseph Grey Eagle | Saturday 4:30 pm and Sunday 8:30 am (Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day Weekend) |
St. John Swanville | Sunday 8:00 am |
St. Mary Long Prairie |
Saturday 5:00 pm |
Weekday Mass
Christ the King Browerville | Wedneday 8:30 am (June-August) Wednesday 10:45 am (During School Year) |
Christ the King Browerville | Friday 8:30 am |
St. Joseph Clarissa | Thursday 8:30 am |
St. Joseph Grey Eagle | Friday 8:30 am |
St. John Swanville | Monday 8:30 am, Thursday 8:30 am |
St. Mary Long Prairie |
Tuesday 7:00 pm Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, |
Central Todd County Center, Clarissa | Thursday 10:30 am (every other week) |
CentraCare Nursing Home, Long Prairie | Friday 10:30 am (every other week) |
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday: 3:45 PM until Mass (St. Joseph, Grey Eagle)
Saturday: 4:20 PM until Mass (St. Mary's, Long Prairie)
Sunday: 8:00 AM - 8:20 AM (Christ the King, Browerville)
Tuesday: 6:00 PM until Mass (St. Mary's, Long Prairie)
Thursday: After 8:30 AM Mass (St. John the Baptist, Swanville)
Thursday: 9:00 AM - 9:30 AM (St. Joseph, Clarissa)
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Friday: After 8:30 AM Mass (Christ the King, Browerville)
Thursday: 9:00 AM - 9:30 AM (St. Joseph, Clarissa)
St. Mary's, Long Prairie: Adoration is in the Chapel
Friday: 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM with Praise and Music in Spanish
*Subject to cancellation, due to pastoral circumstance.
** Adoration begins immediately following weekday Mass.
Note: Some Fridays are subject to change. Please see bulletin for most up to date times.