St. Mary of Mount Carmel





St. Mary of Mount Carmel Catholic Church is a diverse parish whose members seek to grow in holiness through lifelong Catholic faith formation, guided by the Word of God and expressed through worship and service. We welcome you to visit any of our Mass times. Come grow with us!

Mass Schedule for 2025:

Tuesday @ 7:00 PM

Wednesday @ 8:30 AM

Saturday @ 5:00 PM

Sunday @ 10:00 AM

Domingo @ 11:45 AM en Español

2025 Holy Week Mass Schedule for St. Mary's:
- Holy Thursday, April 17: 7:30 PM (Bilingual) 
- Good Friday, April 18: 1:00 PM
- Good Friday, April 18: 7:00 PM (en Español)
- Holy Saturday Easter Vigil, April 19: 8:30 PM (Bilingual) 
- Easter Sunday, April 20: 10:00 AM, 11:45 PM (en Español)

Church Staff

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Tuesdays 6:00 PM until Mass at 7:00 PM

Saturdays 4:20 PM until Mass at 5:00 PM

Sacrament of Reconciliation is also available by appointment with the priest. Located at the crying room.


Office Hours

Monday thru Thursday 8:00am-3:00pm (Closed for lunch 12:00pm - 12:30pm)

Closed Friday

Phone: 320-732-2635
Church Secretary:  320-357-0815

St. Mary of Mount Carmel
409 Central Avenue
Long Prairie, MN 56347