Browsing Elementary Lessons

Easter & 2nd Sunday of Easter

Easter & 2nd Sunday of Easter April 12 & 19, 2020


ALLELUIA! He is risen!

Alleluia or Hallelujah is a word that we use to give God our highest praise. It's the same meaning all around the world. It means "Praise Ye the Lord." Maybe you know the songs below. Sing along and make a joyful noise to the Lord!



Dear Jesus,

Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins. Thank you for rising from the dead so that you could be with us. Please forgive me of my wrongdoing and come into my life today.


Today we celebrate the most important truth of our faith: the Resurrection of Jesus! We call this Easter.

Easter: Old English, meaning simply the "East." The sun which rises in the East, bringing light, warmth and hope, is a symbol for the Christian of the rising Christ, who is the true Light of the world.

Who is the light of the world?

Watch the short video below.


Early on Sunday morning, Mary Magdalene went to Jesus' tomb. She said: "Someone has rolled the stone away. Jesus' body is gone!" Mary ran to Jerusalem. She said: "Peter, John! Someone has taken Jesus from the tomb."

Watch the short video about John 20:1-9 below to see what happened!


What day did Jesus rise from the dead?

What do you think the disciples and Mary Magdalene were thinking?

Did anyone of them believe that Jesus really rose from the dead?

Watch the next video from John 20:19-31.

How did Thomas start to believe?

What do you believe?

How does your family celebrate Easter? (Comment below and let us know what you like to do for Easter!)



Usually at Easter, we light the Easter candle that reminds us Jesus is with us.  There are actually 7 SUNDAYS of EASTER as Catholics! We celebrate Easter for 50 days, ending with the Day of Pentecost, which is May 31 this year. These days remind us of how Jesus met people and talked to people after he rose again.  Ask your parents if you can have them light a special candle each Sunday of Easter before watching Mass at home.

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Note: The First Communion retreat has been postponed.  It was supposed to be Saturday, May 9, but we will reschedule once we have more information from the state government and diocese about coronavirus restrictions.  First Communion families can stay tuned for more info when we receive it.  Contact Jenna Miller with any questions.


  • Amanda


    Hope all of you are doing well. Miss you all and praying for you.