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Sunday of the Fourth Week of Easter Mass IV Domingo de Pascua, May 3, 2020






Sunday of the Fourth Week of Easter

Mass May 3, 2020

Lectionary: 49


OPENING SONG: The King of Love My Shepherd Is  (public domain)

GLORIA: From The Mass of Christ the Savior, by Daniel L. Schutte, published by Oregon Catholic Press, 2009.  Used with permission.

PSALM 23:  by Owen Alstott, copyright 1977, 1990, Oregon Catholic Press.  Used with permission.

ALLELUIA:  Easter Alleluia

HOLY, HOLY, HOLY:  From The Mass of Christ the Savior, , by Daniel L. Schutte, published by Oregon Catholic Press, 2009.  Used with permission.

MEMORIAL ACCLAMATION: From The Mass of Christ the Savior, , by Daniel L. Schutte, published by Oregon Catholic Press, 2009.  Used with permission.

GREAT AMEN:  From The Mass of Christ the Savior, , by Daniel L. Schutte, published by Oregon Catholic Press, 2009.  Used with permission.

LAMB OF GOD: From the Holy Cross Mass  by David Clark Isele, copyright 1979, GIA Publications, Inc.  Used with permission.

COMM MED: Bread of Life  by Anne Herring and Matthew Ward, copyright 1981 Latter Rain Music (Admin by Capitol CMG Publishing), CCLI Song # 18273, CCLI License # 20028771

CLOSING:  Your Hands by David Heller, JJ Heller, and Katie Herzig, copyright 2008 Stone Table Records, CCLI  Song #5673214, CCLI License # 20028771.


IV Domingo de Pascua

3 de Mayo, 2020


Leccionario: 49



Consecration to Mary Services, May 1, 2020



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