Be the Church!

Be the Church Virtual Party

Wednesday, May 13 @ 7PM

Right Here!

Students going into 6th-12th grade in 2020-2021, this year's seniors, and catechists are invited to take part in an end-of-the-year virtual party. Our theme, Be the Church, reminds us how we can continue to be Christ's hand and feet in these uncertain times as well as the good times. To make this party, we need your participation! Sign up to let us know if you want to receive a Virtual Party Package!

Be the Church Contest

All students grades 6-12 from St. Mary of Mount Carmel Catholic Church are invited to participate!
Send in your entry to by Monday, May 11 at midnight and include your name, grade, and category.

We're giving away prizes for the following categories:

1. Quarantine Family Photo- creative recent picture with your family.

2. Visual Art- send in picture(s) of your artwork about a Bible story or Saint.

3. Passion for the Gospel- write a blog about John 15:1-8 or John 14:15-21.

4. Music- sing or play a Christian song and record. Upload video to Facebook or youtube and share link.

5. Seeing a Saint- send a picture of a saintly person you know and write about why you chose him or her.

6. Thankful Heart- write your top 10 list of things you are glad you did during quarantine.

7. Leadership & Hospitality- create the coolest virtual game— include instructions in writing or on video. If possible, show an example by drawing or by video and send a link to the video.
You can send in entries for as many categories as you wish. All entries will be displayed at our website. One winner per entry. Winners announced Wednesday, May 13 at our Virtual Party. Talk to Amanda Hinson for more details.