Holy Thursday Mass April 9, 2020
The Lord's Supper
Lectionary 39: http://www.usccb.org/bible/readings/040920-lord-s-supper.cfm
Misa del 9 de Abril, 2020
Jueves Santo, Misa vespertina de la Cena del Señor
EN ESPAÑOL: http://www.usccb.org/bible/lecturas/040920-supper.cfm
Holy Week Schedule
Holy Thursday @ 7:00 PM
Good Friday @ 1:00 PM
Easter Sunday LIVE Mass @ 9:00 AM (English)
Domingo de Pascua LIVE Misa @ 11:00 AM (en Español)
Past Holy Week Masses can be found in our Archives.
For more resources for elementary children: https://stmarymtcarmellongprairie.weconnect.com/blog/elementary-lessons
For more resources for teens: https://stmarymtcarmellongprairie.weconnect.com/blog/edge-lessons
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