St. Mary of Mt. Carmel Church 409 Central Avenue, Long Prairie, MN 56347 320-357-0815 ~ stmarysrectory@stmaryslp.org |
April 09, 2020
Dear Parishioners:
The Holy Triduum is here. We are about to celebrate the Passion, the Death and the Resurrection of Jesus, Our Savior. I hope you are as ready as you can be.
First, I want to thank all those who are sending their Church contribution to the office, and those who have donated toward special needs that we have at the present time. I acknowledge that making a trip here or mailing your envelopes is a sign of your faithful commitment. My heart is grateful for your ongoing support and I pray that The Lord who “sees in secret will repay you” (Mt 6:4).
Second, I am encouraged by those who have been watching the Mass online, on the parish website and Facebook. I thank all the talented parishioners who are helping me so that these Masses can be available to you via internet. Technology is always changing and I am glad we have people who are on top of that. Their assistance is truly a gift of God!
Third, Bishop sent a notification on Tuesday informing Pastors that parishes will remain closed until May 15. You can check his letter on the diocesan website (stcdio.org). My attitude and my approach is that I will do what I can to make the best out of this situation. I have decided to find normality in the midst of abnormality. Therefore, I will continue to offer private Mass and follow our normal weekly Mass schedule, which is: Tuesday 7pm, Wednesday thru Friday at 8:30am. I will offer two Sunday Masses -English Mass at 9am and Spanish Mass at 11am. All of my Masses will be LIVE on Facebook and then posted in our website. Please know that you don’t have to have a Facebook account to watch them, you just need internet access and a smart phone or a computer. I want a lector at every Mass, if you are interested contact me. Hopefully technology will work just fine every single time.
Today, the Mass of the Last Supper will be available at 7pm
Tomorrow, Good Friday the Service will be available at 1pm
I won’t do an Easter Vigil this year, since in these circumstances is optional.
Easter Sunday Mass:
9am English 11am Spanish.
On the following Sundays the Mass will continue being offered at 9am and 11am (until Church is reopen).
Weekday Mass:
Tuesday 7:00pm
Wednesday 8:30am
Thursday 8:30am
Friday 8:30am
I wish you a Happy Easter and invite you to be a messenger of the Risen Lord to all you meet, even if you meet them within a 6 feet distance.
May God bless your Easter journey,
Fr Omar