Holy Week Message

April 4, 2020


We welcome this Holy Week 2020!  This Holy Week will make the history book and it will stay forever in our memories. Church has been closed since March 27th now, and only God knows when we will re-open.

I am determined to make this Holy Week the best Holy Week of my life! I decided not to give a virus the power to ruin my celebration of what Christ did for me on that first Holy Week. He died for me!

The most recent directive from our Bishop is that there will be NO blessing of Palms. Priests can no longer concelebrate Masses because we are supposed to stay at home. So I am trying to do the celebrations by myself with the help of great parishioners who know about technology. May God bless them!  There will be NO drive-thru confessions because that is considered a “gathering of people” so Confessions are ONLY by appointment at this time (6 feet apart).

Please use our Prayer Line Ministry if you are feeling lonely or isolated (Mary Kay Eifert, Phone # 320-732-3341). Thanks to all those who are reaching out to others via phone calls, texts, and emails.

Please watch the Recorded  and/or live-streamed  Masses this Holy Week :



I am available for emergencies.   Please check out our website often and your email. If we don’t have your current email address, please send it to me -to: oguanchez@stmaryslp.org. I want to keep you informed. Thanks for your prayers and contributions. God bless you!

Have a great Holy Week!


Father Omar